Jira (Development) Ticket Analysis
Gives info or template on "HOW" analysis should be done while working on a development ticket
Atharva Ikhar
2/4/20242 min read

This post will contain the approach towards how a development should be approached and analyzed if you are a beginner or do not know how to go for the same.
Setup & General info:
Markup Language
So, we use Mark Up language to add the description to the ticket.
To know more about this you can visit this link.
Otherwise, you can use the UI elements present already. ( in JIRA while writing description/comment)
Markup text editor
Will suggest using a markup text editor which can be helpful as our tickets use the same.
To download Mark-Text click here. It’s one of the markup text editors.
Currently, the application I use is Obsidian.
(Obsidian is an all-purpose tool for me used heavily for notes which we can cover in another post)
Points which should be covered in the analysis:
(Things to check while doing or after the analysis)
Brainstorming should cover all the following points:
Security Concerns.
Time analysis (Story points)
Discuss with the respective UI/Backend person and the above points should then be noted commonly.
Note down questions (if any) regarding the ticket.
Call LEAD and Module Lead to brainstorm of ticket together.
Verify the analysis done by you and the respective UI/Backend person.
Ask and raise questions/doubts which can be blocker or not mentioned in the ticket.
If not cleared in the brainstorming session then verify and get confirmation/answers on those points from Clients.
Put the finalized analysis in the Analysis subtask of the ticket.
Create subtasks (UI, Backend)
Each of the subtasks should be 2 hours only (depending on your project structure), If it takes more time then we have to break it down further.
Create and Unit Testing subtask and add the Cases which will need the testing.
Checkbox points explained in detail
Why this ticket was created?
Why these changes are needed?
Why we didn't have existing functionality (if any similar functionality is present)
What changes would be needed in a generalized way?
UI changes
This should contain UI changes as a subpoint with the required changes (in list format).
With Controller name, file name, project name, and function name whichever is relevant in the case.
You can add mockups or screenshots with pointers which would help understand the changes more.
Backend changes
This should contain all the backend changes in list format which should also cover changes in the Database (Table/Column) & Model changes among the code changes
With Controller name, Service name, file name, project name, function name whichever is relevant in the case.
You can also add new API names, and property names, so that while implementing it will be useful for UI as well as backend developers.
Security Concerns.
This should contain any point which should be checked or paid attention to.
This point should be noted and revisited after the completion of the development of the ticket.
For example, authentication for API, showing sensitive data on UI without masking, etc.
Highlight the same to the team and get the feedback.
You can add an additional point in the How section if needed like calculation, SDK information, etc.
To answer this we should:
Check the description of the ticket.
Check tickets linked to our ticket (if any)
Check the functionality mentioned.
Check the KT document (if any)
Check the code in a project or similar functionality (if any)
Discuss with the person who developed or worked on it (if available)
Discuss with the Module Lead (if available)